Daily Coffee Rituals: My Favorite Helpful Items For a Homemade Latte
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I used to be a die-hard tea person. Coffee was far too bitter—unless of course it happened to be a supremely-sweetened-can’t-possibly-be-coffee fancy Starbucks latte.
I still like tea, but over the last few years I have found myself gravitating toward coffee—namely lattes. It started as a treat out, then became a multiple-days-a-week ritual. And then it obviously became expensive, so I also invested in making lattes myself at home. All I needed was an espresso machine, ground espresso, and milk. Sounds simple, right?
After a bit of research, our small galley kitchen got a major upgrade with a new “toy:” the espresso machine! I searched for machines with a good steam wand. I also considered machines with a built- in grinder, but after reading reviews it seemed that the quality of the grinder might not be equal to the rest of the machine. I decided that I’d rather get a separate grinder if needed.

I ended up purchasing this DeLonghi espresso machine. It is a relatively simple espresso machine with a steam wand and does not take much counter space—super important in our tiny kitchen! Now a year and a half later, I can vouch that it has held up with near-daily use. It has only three buttons: one for one shot of espresso, another for two shots, and the third to turn on the steamer wand. There is a lever to activate the wand when steaming the milk. After using the steam wand, I make sure to let out the pressure and wipe down the wand to keep old milk from building up.
Each day I hand-wash the espresso portafilter, tamper, and used filter baskets, wipe the machine, and every so often wash (with soap and water) the removable tip of the steamer wand. I’ve only had to replace the portafilter, for which my husband is completely to blame. As it turns out, the espresso tools that come with the machine are not dishwasher friendly. Make sure you hand-wash everything!
The only item that didn’t come with the machine (besides the mug) was the container for holding the milk during steaming. I use something similar to this one.
Favorite Places to Buy Espresso in NYC

Once I had the machine, I needed the espresso. I immediately went to a well-known Brooklyn shop: Sahadi’s. Sahadi’s is a Middle Eastern grocery shop on Atlantic Avenue and has a selection of groceries from everywhere. It also has a bulk buying section of coffee and snack items. You simply tell them which coffee beans you want, how much, and how you want them ground. I was super pleased not to need a grinder!

I first tried their Italian Roast for their selection of dark roasts. It was good, but not quite what I was personally after. I then tried their Brooklyn Blend and that hit the spot. It is also a dark roast, but seems fairly balanced to me. It has remained my personal favorite of their selection.
I still like to go to Sahadi’s, but after reading Lori Zabar’s book Zabar’s, I was curious to try the coffee at this Manhattan Upper West Side staple. The book mentions the Zabar’s Blend as their most popular coffee—so of course I started with that. The Zabar’s blend is a lighter roast than those of Sahadi’s, but, as advertised, is very well-balanced. I’ve been enjoying it as a lighter option to that of Sahadi’s dark roasts—especially in the warmer weather!

I’ve also tried their Vienna Roast and their Royale Blend. Both are darker roasts than the Zabar’s Blend. The Vienna Roast is a true dark roast (on the lighter side of dark) and struck me as perfect for a cappuccino. The Royale Blend, however, is my personal favorite. It is a medium roast and has a slight nutty flavor compared to the others. I do switch between all of them a bit, but the Royale Blend is my personal standby over all I’ve mentioned.
Another great things about Zabar’s is that all these roasts are kosher if that is important for you!
Favorite Lavender Coffee

Beyond the shelves of NYC, I have been introduced to this wonderful lavender vanilla blend from Farmers Coffee Company. It is a medium roast and it is ground—not quite as fine as espresso ground, but it still worked in my espresso machine! As you can imagine, it has wonderful flavor: perfectly balanced between lavender and vanilla. And it is real lavender—not the fake sugary stuff! For those of you seeking a good lavender latte (without the extra sugar), this is the coffee for you! I find that it doesn’t quite have the same intensity of true espresso, but the flavor makes up for it.

I’m still so pleased with my espresso machine investment, which has definitely already paid for itself considering the cost of buying lattes these days! I’m also very pleased to have tried all these different coffees from various local (and not-as-local) shops. If you are ever in NYC, do check these places out!
Hi, I’m Lynn and I love lavender! I’m currently living in New York City with my husband, toddler, and cats. I started this blog to serve as a type of index of my lavender discoveries for fellow lavender lovers, but also to encompass the various ways lavender can be used in our lives. This includes cooking, decoration, gardening, and among other uses. Incidentally, I also love to travel, so this blog does moonlight slightly into the travel and lifestyle categories. I hope you enjoy it!