Welcome to the space for lavender lovers!

Welcome to the space for lavender lovers!

July 11, 2020 Off By Lynn

 But first, really, why lavender? 

The word “lavender” may bring to mind a color, a plant, a scent, or even a flavor. You may have a light purple shirt or accessory. Or that favorite lavender scented hand soap or hand cream. Or maybe a diffuser? Do you cook with lavender? Or have you experienced a pleasing, yet surprising, floral and savory spice mix in a cookie bought when traveling through Provence? I’m guessing that most of us have answered “yes” to at least one of those questions. We also likely have all seen lavender growing outside at some point. For a type of scented flowering plant, lavender certainly plays many roles in western daily life. 

What’s it to me? 

I suspect my love of all things lavender could be blamed (in part) on my paternal grandmother. When I was eight, I found a large package from her under the Christmas tree, filled with various “English Lavender” soaps and perfumes. Grandma completed this gift with a netted bag for storage purposes, much to the relief of my parents. This seemingly endless bag filled with scented items dominated the bathroom storage for several years, mostly used in the end. From that time onward, I took increasing notice of lavender items. 

Lavender became my favorite scent, one of my favorite colors, and also, more recently, a preferred spice in cooking. I find it to have a calming, nearly meditative, effect on my mind… perfect for unwinding after a stressful day or even centering myself during a moment of panic. 

Last month, in the midst of yet another close friend giving me a tip on a lavender finding (this one to do with another coffee shop serving lavender lattes), I realized that a blog of my experiences with lavender could serve as an index for others also searching for ideas. Posts will run the gamut of lavender use, from cooking, decor, personal care, to gardening. And please feel free to comment to share any findings of your own… I always like to learn more!